Patient Responsibilities
1. You are responsible for complying with The Surgery Center’s rules and regulations.
2. The Surgery Center staff is expected to be courteous to you. In turn, you are expected to be courteous to them and other patients and are expected to help in keeping the noise and number of visitors to reasonable levels. You may not damage or remove Surgery Center property or the property of others.
3. To the best of your ability, you are responsible for providing accurate and complete details about your past illnesses and your present condition. You are responsible for informing your physician or Surgery Center personnel if you have been hospitalized in the past, the reason for this, and the medications and/or drugs (including over-the-counter products, and dietary supplements) you are now taking, and the ones in your possession.
4. You are responsible for informing your physician or the nurse if there has been an unexpected change in your condition or if any problems were identified in your treatment.
5. You are responsible for telling the physician or the nurse if you do not understand your treatment or if you do not understand what you are expected to do.
6. You are responsible for following the advice and instructions of the physicians, nurses and other personnel concerning your care.
7. You are responsible to provide a responsible adult to transport you home from the facility and remain with you for 24 hours, if required by your physician.
8. In the case of pediatric patients, a parent or guardian must remain in the facility for the duration of the patient’s stay in the facility.
9. You are responsible for any ill effects in the event you refuse treatment or do not follow instructions.
10. You are responsible for keeping your appointments and for informing the physician or the nurses if you cannot keep an appointment.
11. You are responsible for paying your bill promptly and for informing The Surgery Center if someone other than yourself will be responsible for the payment.
12. You are entitled to information regarding the identity of the personnel providing your direct care, to information concerning your continuing health needs, and any alternatives available for meeting those needs.
13. You are entitled to private communications and consultation with your physician or any other person of your choice. Your civil and religious liberties shall be respected and the facility shall encourage and assist you in exercising those rights.
14. You are entitled to an environment free from any mental or physical abuse at the facility.
15. You are entitled to be free from performing services for the facility that are not included for therapeutic purposes in the plan of care.
16. You are entitled to information about The Surgery Center’s rules and regulations affecting your care and conduct. You are also responsible for following facility policies and procedures.
17. You are responsible for being considerate of the rights of other patients and facility personnel.
18. You are responsible for being respectful of your personal property and that of other persons in the facility.
19. You are responsible for notifying The Surgery Center staff of possible pregnancy.
20. You are responsible to inform The Surgery Center and your physician, about any living will, medical power of attorney, or other directive that could affect your care.

Lovely people, lovely experience! I have referred numerous people to you!
My daughter told the nurses, it was the cleanest place she’s ever seen. Wonderful people.
My experience at The Surgery Center was the best I have ever had at any Medical Center ever hands down.