Day of Surgery Instructions
Please report to the registration desk at The Surgery Center, located at 5202 Miller Road, Flint
▪ A responsible adult must drive you to and from The Surgery Center. We require that that your driver remain in the building at all times during your care. Your surgery will be rescheduled if your driver cannot stay.
▪ Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes.
▪ Please bring your insurance card and photo ID.
▪ Bring any healthcare power of attorney and/or applicable guardianship papers.
▪ Leave jewelry and valuables, including rings, watches, earrings and money at home.
▪ Remove all baby bottles from the crib at night. Inform family members that the child should not be given anything to eat or drink after midnight.
▪ If appropriate for the child’s age, remove all drinking glasses from the bathroom. Do not let the child brush his/her teeth the morning of the surgery.
▪ You may bring children in pajamas. They may keep their undergarments on.
▪ For infants, you may bring formula or special drinking cups for use after surgery. Bring an extra diaper or change of undergarments.
▪ Children may bring a favorite blanket or small, soft toy.
If you have any further questions, please call us at 810-732-7700.